Lana Gallagher, LMT Healthy, cleansing habits

 Benefits of Massage



Encouraging the use of Massage Therapy to assist in achieving a healthy, balanced lifestyle.  Massage can not only make you feel great during your session, but regular appointments improve both mental and physical well being in countless ways.  Practicing as a full time Pharmacy Technician for almost 10 years now, I am an advocate of both pharmaceuticals and "alternative medicine" such as massage.  Statistics have proven massage to not only decrease the use of SSRI's (mood stablizers), pain, antinflammatory and sleeping medications, but in some cases eliminate the need completely.  Massage Therapy has not any risky side-effects like many pharmaceuticals, positively influences all systems of the body (circulatory, immune, respiratory,  endocrine, cardiac) and most importantly releases toxins from everyday physical and mental stressors allowing them to be flushed out.  Utilzing my education and experience to help others relax, escape worries, release tension and pain in muscles and joints, counteract favortism, postural allignment, etc. has been both motivating and gratifying.  This field has grown tremendously over the years becoming highly recommended to all, why not at least start your "Prevention Therapy" today!